Check out this 2 minute video of our hike at Yosemite

In April I crossed off another goal on my “Hiking Bucket List” – visiting Yosemite National Park.

Conan, Sean & Liam at the top of Vernal Falls
Conan, Sean & Liam at the top of Vernal Falls

My brother Sean, friend Conan and I spent the day at the park and hiked to the top of Vernal and Nevada Falls.   They call it the “Mist Trail” for a reason…you often get wet from the mist blowing off the two falls.  But on a hot day it is quite refreshing.


Yosemite National Park
Yosemite National Park

Can you believe I took this photo with my iPhone? And I’ve done no enhancements or edits to it.  This is the view we had at the end of the day from the parking lot at the Park.  5 seconds later a coyote ran right in front of us (as in 10 feet away) and went into the woods.  And no, I didn’t get my camera ready in time to photograph him.

What incredible views!  I definitely have to go back and hike more.

Check out my upcoming hikes I’m planning.

One Comment

  1. That is a pretty great phone shot. Nice video 🙂 Looks like you guys had a wonderful trip.
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